All learning in Granville takes place through a balance of child-led learning and more structured adult-led sessions. At this stage of development most learning takes place through child-led play-based activities which are carefully planned to target the interests of the unique child. The children are free to choose from a wide range of activities, with the staff working alongside them, to support and extend their learning.
Some of these activities will be adult-initiated, based on close observations of the children's needs and interests. Others will arise through spontaneous engagement of the children with the School’s resources, supported and extended through sensitive interaction with the staff.
Through continuous dialogue and involvement with parents, experiences at home and in School can be shared and built upon.
We cannot transmit our mature perspectives directly. However, you (as your child’s first and continuing educator) and we (as trained early years educators ) can observe, support, and extend your child’s learning.
We are very aware of the different stages of development that children go through during their time at the School. We plan the curriculum for all children to meet individual needs. We try to be very alert to the particular needs of our youngest children. We want to ensure they have as broad a range of experiences as the older children, but offered in ways appropriate to their needs and ways of learning. This is also our approach to our children with special needs.
Our curriculum is designed to support children to take risks and explore. Just learning to walk, climbing stairs, paddling in water, riding a bike or scooter carry inherent risks. Over time children will encounter increasing challenges, including with a variety of climbing equipment, building high structures with heavy blocks, and learning to handle a range of tools under appropriate supervision, such as woodwork tools and appropriately sharp knives during cooking and food preparation. Learning to identify and manage risks, alongside close and effective adult support, is a key aspect of young children's learning.
We start from where each child is - in some cases this will mean your child encountering a wide range of new experiences and resources, but if your child has already made considerable progress we aim to build on that, within a broad, balanced and creative curriculum.
“What a child can do with assistance today she will be able to do by herself tomorrow” L.S.Vygotsky