Granville Plus Nursery School

Life at Granville Plus Nursery School Life at Granville Plus Nursery School Life at Granville Plus Nursery School Life at Granville Plus Nursery School Life at Granville Plus Nursery School Life at Granville Plus Nursery School

Planning the Curriculum

Long Term Overview

At Granville Plus Nursery School we have developed our own Curriculum Maps for Rainbow Room and Nursery aged children. These are used as a guide to ensure that your child receives a broad and balanced curriculum covering all aspects of all learning areas. It is important to note that every child develops at different rates and in different ways.


You can view these maps by clicking on the tab and downloading them from the options at the side.

Short Term Planning


To help your child’s development, we plan and evaluate our provision for your child, based on observations and dialogue with you, your child and each other.

Staff develop work based on the Possible Lines of Direction (PLODs) for individual children, on observations of other children, and the needs of the whole group. Staff record what they intend children to learn from planned activities. They evaluate the success of these learning intentions, and the learning from spontaneous experiences, at their weekly room meetings.

We display our plans, so that you can know what your child has available at the School each week. We will always adapt plans however, in response to the children’s needs and enthusiasms.

We try to understand what is going on for the individual, so that we can plan when and how to move each child on.


Record Keeping

We aim to organise the environment so that we can find out about children's knowledge, interests and areas for development through play. Sometimes we write down information about your child so that we can tailor future learning to suit their individual needs. These observation records, and video recordings, are available for parents to look at whenever they wish.

At least once a year while your child is in each Team in the School you will be invited to a meeting with your child's keyworker where we will share with you a summary of what your child is doing in areas of learning, our observations on their patterns and characteristics of learning, and our ideas for future work.

We also record what you have observed about your child’s interests and needs, and will incorporate your ideas into our planned activities.

This “PLOD” assessment feeds into the detailed planning for the following weeks - there will be a strong emphasis on supporting and extending his or her individual learning. We of course continue the observation, support and planning at other times.