Granville Plus Nursery School

Life at Granville Plus Nursery School Life at Granville Plus Nursery School Life at Granville Plus Nursery School Life at Granville Plus Nursery School Life at Granville Plus Nursery School Life at Granville Plus Nursery School

Settling Your Child at Granville Plus

The New Parents Meeting 

In the letter offering you a place, you are invited to a Parent Meeting with other new parents, with the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and Senior Nursery Officer.  This explains some key aspects of the school’s approach.

The Parent Interview (PI) 

At this the Admissions Officer checks your admission form information, and we discuss a fees contract where appropriate. We also arrange a Home Visit date, and agree a start date for your child. 

The Home Visit -

All children receive a home visit before they start at Granville Plus Nursery School. This is with the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and your child’s keyworker. 

At this visit we aim to: 

• introduce you and your child to the keyworker 

• learn from your knowledge, concerns and hopes for your child 

• gather information for to use for planning the settling and the first few weeks of your child’s time at School. 

Your child will be able to meet his or her keyworker for the first time in familiar surroundings, which we find helps enormously with the settling process. 

You will also have ample opportunity to discuss any aspects of the settling process or the work of the School. 

The visit usually takes an hour. 

The First Few Weeks - 

We aim to take the settling-in process as slowly as your child needs to, as we find this is most successful in the long run. We are aware of course of the time pressures on working parents. 

We ask that you stay with your child for the whole of the first session (up to 2 hours). Depending how things go on the first day, you and the keyworker will decide how to proceed. We want you to help settle your child. After a few days, in discussion with the keyworker, you leave the room for a short time, whilst remaining in the School. You are welcome to use the Parents’ Room to help you during the settling. 

We aim to build up the time your child will play happily in the rooms and garden, to the point where you can leave him or her for the full agreed hours. 

We ask you or a close carer to be available for at least 2 weeks for settling. For children staying full time we need to settle them into each section of the day. The whole process does therefore take up to two weeks. 

If you have concerns about how the settling is going, please talk it through with your child’s keyworker, so that you can share ideas on how to proceed.